Saturday, February 25, 2017

Soft as a kitten's ear--Pussy Willows

Ah Spring! Longer days, milder temps, and the first plant that heralds spring... Pussy Willows!

Silvery grey and soft as a kittens ear, they just invite you to stroke their furry catkins.

The American Pussy willow is native to Eastern US from Maine to Idaho. USA is actually their southernmost territory. You will find them spread all across Canada.

Did you know that Pussy Willows are used in arrangements for Chinese New Year? They represent prosperity in the coming year.

Also widely used in Ukrainian, Russian and other Baltic states as a substitute for palm branches for Palm Sunday and Easter.

One of the tricks of the trade I learned in my years of gardening, is to take advantage of the "natural" rooting hormone from willows. I currently have some geranium cuttings and willow cuttings in dixie cups with water. Waiting to see if the additions of the willow stems will help the geranium cuttings form roots. I love science! LOL

Willows are used for some fantastic willow art pieces from arches to chairs! Just do a google search like I did to find some fantastic furniture and ideas. I am sure Pinterest has a ton if info on the subject.

And of course, medicinally, willow is where Aspirin comes from and has been used for generations. What a versatile and interesting plant.

That's all for now. Have a good one!


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Enemy of the People??

News media sources are not the enemy of the people. Main stream news organizations do indeed have political leanings (FOX News, CNN etc) ...