Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Let's talk about Pot

OK, Pot ie: marijuana sales are legal here in Oregon. Let's debunk some of the hysterical myths coming out of Washington D.C.

First of all, all marijuana businesses from the growers to the distributors to the shops that sell it are under the Oregon Liquor License Corp and licensed through the same. This is not black market sales but legitimate businesses.

Medical marijuana sales are separate from recreational sales and are not subject to the sales tax levied by the state.

Recreational sales are limited to adults age 21 and above, just like liquor sales.
Recreational sales are limited to 1/4 oz of marijuana flower for smoking per day. As of 2016 edibles are also available to recreational buyers.

Oregon now levies a 25% collectable tax at time of sale on recreational marijuana, medical is exempt.
Oregon made 54 million dollars in 2016 from the collect tax. Wow! So, where does that money go? 40% is earmarked for the common school fund. The rest is divided up between law enforcement, mental health, drug programs and yes, the cities that allow the marijuana shops in, also get a cut from the tax.

Now then, Jeff Sessions says the pot is way more potent that the stuff we had back in the sixties and seventies. He is right. This ain't no homegrown, although one plant can be purchased per customer for home growing and consumption but that's another story.

Mr. Sessions is fear mongering that pot sales is causing "real violence" and "big money" is involved. No, not true for legitimate sales. He also worries that our youth are smoking it. Just like with liquor, there is an age limit of 21. Persons under age are breaking the law. Violence and big money is harking back to black market selling which is not the focus of this blog.

Recreational marijuana is purchased through legitimate and licensed businesses just like the liquor store. You can't even get into the store without some form of picture ID ie: drivers license, government ID. Every patron submits their picture ID and is entered into a database before being allowed into the actual store. All purchases are cash only as banks will not process marijuana sales. All purchases must be sealed in a child proof container before the customer can exit the store.

Public smoking of marijuana is illegal. It is intended for home use only. Taking it out of state is illegal.

He is concerned and rightly so that young people should not smoke pot. True also for smoking cigarettes and alcohol. Mute point. Again, if they choose to abuse their bodies at the legal age, that's a personal choice. Most of us have certainly used these products that weren't good for us and have gone on to lead productive lives, raised a family and not been a burden on society.

He is equating using marijuana with using opioids. No, not true. Totally different animals. Opioids are prescribed by a Doctor and are limited as such. What pain relievers a patient takes is between the Doctor and the patient, PERIOD! Marijuana usage does not lead to "harder" drugs. That is a personal choice.

So who are purchasing pot now that it is legal in our state? Frankly, I've seen lots of senior citizens and persons of middle age who are looking to alleviate aches and pains from illness, backs, arthritis, you name it. Sure, there are lots of folks who are buying it strictly to get "high" but is that much different from the person who drinks wine or beer to excess for the same reason? I don't know, but again, while it is still legal in Oregon, it's still a personal choice and I won't throw stones.

Anyway, that's my two cents worth. We will see if the Federal Government shuts down the industry. When they do, then pot will go back to a black market status and all bets are off.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know they'll get the genie back in the bottle now that the states are making so much money from it.


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