Saturday, November 17, 2018

Enemy of the People??

News media sources are not the enemy of the people. Main stream news organizations do indeed have political leanings (FOX News, CNN etc) but for the most part they try to present the news factually. But like anyone, you and I included, they form their stories in a format that best conveys their interpretation of the event for their audience, and conveniently NOT report certain aspects of the story that may not be favorable to the tone of the story. It's all about ratings and revenues. They are in the business for profit. You, as the reader or consumer of their content must weigh the validity of their story and decide for yourself if you believe them or not.

 This is why, IMO, it's best to view numerous sources to get a more complete picture. Form your own opinion, talk to your friends, neighbors, family, social media "friends" and listen to their point of view. Don't accuse...... listen. Try to be respectful in your response, don't SHOUT over them. Deescalate, not escalate the conversation. Be thoughtful.

  How hard can that be? And you may just learn something!

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Enemy of the People??

News media sources are not the enemy of the people. Main stream news organizations do indeed have political leanings (FOX News, CNN etc) ...