Friday, May 26, 2017

Air Fryer and Paleo cooking

Yea! Got my Faberware Air Fryer today. First in the cooker-- Paleo friendly Fried Chicken 🍗 Ingredients: Frozen chicken breast tenderloins (Thaw so you can pat dry any water from them) Wet ingredients: one egg and 1 tablespoon full fat coconut milk (can use oil of choice) Dry ingredients: mixture of nut flour and coconut flour (I used hazelnut flour), salt, pepper. A tip I have picked up is to add a touch of cane sugar to dry mix. Why? For browning as the sugar caramelizes and browns. Again this is optional and not considered Paleo but it's just a pinch so I don't feel it interferes. Cook at 400 degree setting for ten minutes, open and flip over with tongs, cook another five minutes. My impression was mixed when I ate them. The flavor was excellent but the meat ended up pretty dried out. So, I think next time I will cook them at a lower heat and shorten the time. Not bad for the first cooking event.

Next I made a southern style biscuit which turned out perfect and delicious! Turn on Air Cooker to 355F and let it preheat while you prepare the dough.

The ingredients:
The Wet: one whole egg, one tablespoon coconut milk, 1/2 teaspoon maple syrup, squeeze of lemon juice
 The Dry: 1/2 cup almond flour, 1/4 teaspoon baking powder, 1/8 teaspoon baking soda, salt to taste Mix wet ingredients then fold into dry ingredients, spoon into ramekin and bake at 355F for 10-12 mins.

Edit: Sad to say my inexpensive air fryer's timer broke after using the machine three times! Cheap Chinese crap! Too bad, I was really starting to get into it. Since I had already disposed of the original packaging, Walmart's return policy won't honor the replacement guarantee, so I'm out the $40 I spent on it and a broken machine.

Lesson here: Always read the return policy before disposing of the packaging as they want you to repackage it in original package. Why? I dont know, the damn thing is broken so cant be resold.

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Enemy of the People??

News media sources are not the enemy of the people. Main stream news organizations do indeed have political leanings (FOX News, CNN etc) ...