Sunday, October 2, 2016

Must have pumpkin latte!

So, finally our Pacific NW winter weather is upon us. Cool, rainy, and grey.

Time for some fall type foods. Must have pumpkin latte!

Latte was simple to make:
Tea or coffee of your choice: I had two pots of tea today so in pot #1 Almond Oolong tea and in pot #2, Ginger tea mix called Fabulous (from Adagio)
The pumpkin latte mix:
Canned pumpkin
Pumpkin Pie spice
cream of choice (half and half or heavy cream for dairy uses),I used Coconut Cream sweetened with Maple Syrup)

In keeping in the Fall theme, last night I made a Buffalo chili:

One pound ground buffalo
1 cubed sweet potato
Half a can of rinsed black beans (personally, I would left out the beans but hubby likes them)
1 can roasted diced tomato
Standard chili seasons (Mrs Dash chili seasons, cumin, chili season, minced garlic, salt and pepper to taste).


Enemy of the People??

News media sources are not the enemy of the people. Main stream news organizations do indeed have political leanings (FOX News, CNN etc) ...