Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Cold Brew Craze, What is it?

So Cold Brew Coffee is all the rage with millennials now and they pay dearly for them at the coffee barista shops.  I wondered what the big deal was so decided to do a little research on the subject. Afterall, its iced coffee, right? Turns out there are two versions of cold coffee over ice. 

 Iced coffee is brewed hot coffee that is chilled and poured over ice while Cold Brew is coffee that is not brewed with hot water but instead, grounds are allowed to steeped in cold or room temperature water for 24 hours or more. The theory is that by not processing the coffee thru hot water, the bitter acids are not released into the mix. OK, I buy that. 
 So, being a tea drinker, I thought I would do the same thing but with tea. Why not?

So I pulled out a package of loose green tea and dusted off my french press and gave it a go. The french press holds four cups of water so I added four heaping teaspoons of loose tea to cold water from the tap and left on the counter for six hours. 

This is the finished product, pretty! I pressed the tea and poured it into another container while I removed the tea leaves. Easy Peasy.

Now for the taste test..........

OK! I am a believer! The tea is very fresh tasting and no hint of bitterness. Perfect refreshment after an afternoon of mowing the grass, lol

Enemy of the People??

News media sources are not the enemy of the people. Main stream news organizations do indeed have political leanings (FOX News, CNN etc) ...